26 May 2021

Testing of email notifications with GreenMail, a mock mail server

Sending emails or receiving and processing emails is something that a lot of applications feature to their users. But how do you know that the code doing this actually works? Even though email integrations are widespread functionalities, only few projects have a clear process of how to test them. Why? Because testing is sometimes challenging and people are afraid of accidentally leaking emails to real mail servers. Often these processes also do not offer a great developer experience. GreenMail is an open source, intuitive and easy-to-use suite of mock email servers for testing purposes, which aims to solve these problems. In this presentation you will learn how to leverage GreenMail to manually and integration test your email functionality while at the same time offering a great development experience.

Slides & code: https://slides.com/jensknipper/greenmail https://github.com/JensKnipper/greenmail-example

Jens Knipper

Jens is an experienced and passionate Fullstack Software Java Engineer at OpenValue. Over the years, hes become an all-rounder with knowledge and experience in both frontend and backend development. His strong interest in new technologies and eagerness to take on challenges, is probably one of the main causes for that. He is a great friend of agile software development and loves to share and expand his knowledge.